At City Psychiatry we value high quality and comprehensive care. To achieve this goal we are readily available to answer any and all questions that may arise.


What can I expect from my first visit?

Your personalized mental health treatment starts with an initial 60-90 minute appointment where we focus on why you are starting or continuing mental health services.

The treatment itself will include a combination of various treatment methods including therapy and medication management if needed. City Psychiatry only recommends medication if absolutely necessary.

How do I prepare for my appointment?
  • Login to your Kareo patient portal and complete all online documents 
  • Complete online screening tools in your patient portal
  • Bring a list of your current and previous medications, including doses and length of time you used them
  • Bring any pertinent past medical records for comprehensive review
  • Bring your ID and insurance card
Is what I say confidential?

At City Psychiatry we know your mental health treatment is personal and private. We are ethically and legally bound to keep everything you say confidential, unless we have your explicit permission. The only exception to this rule is if you are a danger to someone.


Adolescents have the right to independently consent to and receive mental health treatment without parental consent, and in that situation information about the treatment cannot be disclosed to anyone without the adolescent’s agreement. While privacy is very important, particularly with adolescents, parental involvement is also essential to successful treatment and requires that some private information be shared with parents. It is our policy to request a verbal agreement between our adolescents and their parents allowing us to share general information about the progress of treatment and their attendance at scheduled sessions. Any other communication will require the adolescent’s authorization, unless they are a danger to themselves or others in which we will notify parents of concerns.  

What if I have medication questions or need refills?

At City Psychiatry we encourage you to send a message in your patient portal for any medication questions.

For medication refills please have your pharmacy fax a refill request form to (949) 862-3770. Please keep track of your medication supply so refill requests can be complete before you run out. For medication prior authorizations please allow 5-7 days. There will be a $50 replacement fee for lost prescriptions or replacement prescriptions. Controlled substances will not be replaced and require an office visit to discuss treatment options. All medications will have a one time refill authorization. Patient are required to attend monthly appointments for continued medication refills. 

Can I text or email Dr. Solimani?

Yes! However, please be aware that email or text is not a secure form of communication and confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. At City Psychiatry we welcome email contact for routine, non-urgent matters, but not for emergencies, scheduling, or medication refills.  If using personal emails or texting, you agree to accept the risk of a breach in confidentiality and will not hold City Psychiatry liable. We encourage you to utilize your patient portal for all communication with Dr. Solimani to ensure patient privacy and confidentiality. 

What is your appointment and no-show policy?
  • Successful treatment requires a partnership and commitment between patient and provider. It is important that you keep each appointment if possible. All appointments are in person or via Telehealth.
  • We realize that life happens and on occasion you may not be able to make a scheduled appointment. If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please alert us in the Patient Portal or phone (leave a voicemail) at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Please remember that your appointment time has been reserved for you alone so alerting us of cancellations helps us give your appointment to another patient in need. A missed or late cancelled appointment will be considered a “no-show.” It is our policy to charge $100 for each no-show. Patients who have three (3) or more no-shows may be referred elsewhere for services and discharged from City Psychiatry.
  • Please be advised that ALL appointments will be automatically cancelled if intake documents are not submitted within 72 hours of your scheduled appointment.


  • Anxiety Disorders Association of America:
  • Academy for Eating Disorders: 
  • Alcoholics Anonymous:
  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry:
  • Autism Society of America:
  • Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder:
  • Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance:
  • Eating Disorders Anonymous:
  • Mental Health America:
  • Mental Health Association of Greater Dallas:
  • Narcotics Anonymous:
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness:
  • National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders:
  • National Autism Association:
  • National Center for Learning Disabilities:
  • National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
  • National Eating Disorders Association:
  • National Institute of Mental Health:
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism:
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse:
  • National Mental Health Association:
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: